I love him!

I just need to write about my husband because I think he is so amazing on so many levels!  If you know me at all, you know that I have the shortest attention span and I can sometimes be pretty critical of speakers…especially if I don’t have a lot of respect for them.  Anyways….Justin spoke tonight at the church he used to work at and it just made me respect him even more.  I love his heart and his passions and I just think he is all around an amazing guy!  I am so thankful for him and I think he is the bestest!  That’s all!


  1. Mom on November 18, 2007 at 11:06 pm

    I agree, Jen. Justin’s message tonight was incredible…articulate and very compelling. My daughters have married such wonderful guys!!! (and this mom is blessed because of my son-in-laws!)

  2. Justin Powell on November 18, 2007 at 11:57 pm

    thanks herd-bird…i love you too, and you are the amazing one!

  3. Ann on November 19, 2007 at 3:05 pm

    Thank you for being such a supportive wife for Justin. God has blessed you both with many talents. His work continues in your lives! This is a great picture. Thanks for sharing.

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