Aging or Ageing (if you are british)

Today I sat across from my beautiful husband and was filled with thankfulness and gratefulness. I looked into his eyes and saw the same Justin that I married over ten years ago. The same Justin that I despised thirteen years ago. The same man that I moved across the ocean with. But I’ve been noticing something different lately when looking at him. Yes, the hairline continues to change, but now I see little small wrinkles around his eyes that weren’t there when we were married or when I despised him or when we moved across the ocean together. But he is the same man. A better man, but the same.

And of course he must also notice these things in me. We sat together at this little coffee shop. It was Starbucks, Okay!? Starbucks! I wish I could say it was a glamorous little cafe in Barcelona, but I needed a soy chai tea latte!

Back to the point. I’m sure he’s been noticing changes in me too. Maybe a bit saggier than I once was. Or maybe he notices my wrinkles, or my skin discolorations from when I was pregnant with our kids, or maybe a few stretch marks here and there. We are changing together and I find it a beautiful thing. I love him more today with these wrinkles than I did the day our skin was tight and fresh. Youth is a beautiful thing, but so is aging, especially when you do it together.


  1. Jen Braun on April 23, 2012 at 7:04 am

    JEN! Why do make me cry!?!?!? So true so true my friend!!

  2. Justin on April 23, 2012 at 7:10 am

    thank you so much Jen…you’re the best. (and I’ve said more in person:)

  3. Jen on April 23, 2012 at 9:03 am

    that’s so SWEET!!! I love you two.

  4. meredith roberts on April 23, 2012 at 11:11 am

    Love this! You made me cry!…and laugh too:) miss you friend i

  5. Terralee Page Ginther on April 23, 2012 at 11:52 am

    the changes have just begun. Wait til you’s been married 40 + yrs. and you kids are 36 and 40. It’s so weird, but in a good way. we are still each others’ best friends. A long happy marriage is the reward for the years of focussing on the needs of your mate, learning to overlook their failings, (we all have them), learning to honor and respect him for who God made him, Not trying to control our mates , but letting them grow and develop into the person God wants them to be. Funny thing happens when these behaviors take place, they give us the love we want so much. In the animal kingdom this is know as a symbiotic relationship.

  6. Linda T on April 25, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    Jen…love your insightful and heartfelt observation. I have found the same to be true! xo

  7. Mom on April 27, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    What a beautiful testimony to how God weaves His way into the lives of two people who used to be intolerable of one another! Jen, I LOVED reading this because you and Justin have everything in a relationship, which was not modeled to you. What a blessing for this mom’s heart to see your deep love for one another. Here’s to another 10+ years (and another baby or two ????? :). Love you!

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