Amsterdam was so much fun!

We had an absolutely WONDERFUL time in Amsterdam! It was so fun just hanging out at the Graf house!  Maisie had a GREAT time as well.  She loved all the kids in the family and was very content to not even see either me or Justin (unless she wanted to eat).  I really didn’t even need to bring her stroller because everyone just sort of took turns holding her.  It was very sweet.  This is a picture of all of us hanging out in the guest room (where we slept).  Maisie was having a blast playing with the boys!

We took this picture right before we left in their backyard.

top row: Laina, London, Chelsea, Phil, Sydney
bottom row: Kelton, and superhero Branson.

In short, the trip was a great time of talking about our future and dreaming together of what that could look like!

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