Little “Neeners”

Yesterday we went and visited Christian and Nadine and their new little Nina!  She is sooooo precious and only seven days old!  Nadine’s mom is in town and made us some AMAZING traditional Palestinian food!  YUM!!!  We love love love Christian and Nadine and are so very sad to be moving away from them, especially now that we both have little girls!  I already nicknamed Nina “Neeners”.  She is so cute!  Maisie didn’t quite know what to think of her, but she was pretty interested in watching her new Parisian best friend.   We ended the night with a little breastfeeding sesh (session).  How ridiculous is it that I look like I am nursing a toddler compared to little Nina?!? 

I know it may be weird to post pictures of two moms breastfeeding, but I just thought these were too cute!  And you can see how discreet we are!  In my personal opinion (and yes, I will share it once in a while) it is sometimes more obvious with all the drapes and covers, than just relaxing.  This is how I feed in public too.  Yes Jeff…even in restaurants!  Waaa haa haaaaaa!!!!!!


  1. Ann on July 19, 2007 at 7:25 pm

    Nadine looks SO happy. Please tell her I said hi and congratulations!

  2. apriltgc on July 21, 2007 at 2:38 pm

    i love the pics – they are too cute! i wish Alleke was that “discreet” nursing 🙂 She is totally into the eat for two seconds then try to sit up and see what is going on for two seconds then eat for two seconds then sit up…you get the picture. Discreet unfortunately gets tossed right out the window!

  3. Jen on July 21, 2007 at 2:50 pm

    Oh my gosh April! Maisie has been doing that as well! I am getting to be really fast with covering up before anyone sees something they may not have wanted to see! Or more importantly, that I don’t want them to see!

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