In honor of France

Justin and I found this really cute little French Bakery/Café in Portland.  It is a great little place right on Division, around 47th or something.  It looks French, tastes French, and even the servers sort of act French!  The owners are French, so that definitely helps!  Here are some pictures we took outside the place.  Maisie was looking too cute to resist!


  1. Mom on January 7, 2008 at 5:46 am

    let’s go to that french cafe when i come visit! these pictures of maisie are amazing! she is so adorable…(spoken without prejudice, of course 🙂

  2. Anne on January 7, 2008 at 11:12 am

    awww…those are so cute!!

  3. Diane on January 7, 2008 at 10:48 pm

    Maisie is so cute! I love the expresion on her face in the second photo…….’yes, I’m cute, tell me something I don’t already know’
    I’m glad that you found a bit of France in Portland.

  4. Amy Ginther on January 14, 2008 at 3:40 pm

    I LOVE these pictures! Silly momma can’t put one of the adorable ones of you and Maisie on your page though huh? That’s what husbands are for! 🙂 I love that Maisie is starting a new trend…one leg of the jeans up to show off cute socks! Miss you guys a ton!

    Hey, I added my blog URL to this comment so you should be able to find my page again now…

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