
Hello, My Name is Jen and I am a People Pleaser

I have always been a people pleaser. I have always wanted people to like me. I have this deep unhealthy need to be liked by all. I’ve always admired the people that don’t care what other people think and let them know just that. My daughter is really giving me a run for my money with this issue. It kills me when she doesn’t respond to someone when they say hello. Or what about when she doesn’t like a certain kid?!? She must like everyone, right??? This might be the American in me (and I think it is a bit), but I feel like she must be kind to all, friends with all, and do her best not leave anyone out. Yesterday her school had a little festival and a friend from her class last year showed up. Maisie instantly ignored her current friends to play with this little girl.…

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Words to Break a Mom’s Heart

Tonight I lost my temper with Maisie. She still seemed sad after I had apologized to her, so I asked her what was wrong. She responded, “You talked to me like you weren’t my mommy.” Let’s just say I will try my hardest to never have her say that again. So thankful she can articulate her feelings like that so that I can be a better mom to her. I love my little girl.

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Goodbye and Far Away

Today I watched two grown men sob together on a bench in a square. One man had his head in the other’s lap crying so hard he was shaking. There was a third man standing giving his support with the touch of his hand. Justin and I were sitting in a cafe watching the three men through the big wall sized window. We were talking about what could be wrong. It seemed obvious to me that someone had died. Maybe their mother? Maybe a sister or brother or father? Just when I had it all figured out, two of the men left with their suitcases. They were saying goodbye. I love that we are capable of having such deep friendships/relationships, but it sure makes life difficult when we have to live so far away from the ones we love. Today while walking home from the cafe I was holding Maisie…

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Long Time No Write

Congratulations to me. I’ve made it! It has now been a bit over one year since we moved to Barcelona. Hardest year in my life by far. Thank God it is done with! When I think of the first year in Barcelona, these are the first things that come to mind. 1. Crying baby who had a horrible oozing rash. 2. Cold, dark, empty apartment. 3. Fights with Justin. 4. Maisie trying to find her way and her place. 5. Loneliness We went back to the states for a month to BREATHE. Although it was extremely busy with one of my best friend’s wedding, we did have a few moments to just be and relax. Not much, but it did happen. We also were able to figure out what was wrong with my poor little Cutler’s skin. I know in my previous post I had said his rash was gone,…

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Booty Dance

Here is a little peek into our daily life. I actually caught Justin doing his booty dance! yesssssssssss

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A Day at the Park

I’ve decided to start being better at taking Maisie to the park due to the fact that she is pretty much a lonely little puppy here. Daily she asks to play with friends. Daily she talks about her cousin Avery. Daily she asks if she is going to go to school. We tried to get her in school, but they are full and we are now on a waiting list. These are a couple of pics of  her yesterday after a little girl ran away from her in a square we were eating in. She was sad, needless to say. So with all this sadness and two year old depression going on, I decided I needed to be better about getting her around other friends and hopefully I can make a couple as well. Let’s just say that our first day at the park wasn’t the most successful. First of…

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Getting on with Life

I am so happy to finally be getting on with life. For some reason, while I am in transition, it feels like I am paralyzed and can’t possibly have a routine (not that I like them anyways) or meet new people or do anything really outside my comfort zone. It is almost like I just have to survive and for some reason, that is good enough for me. I’m not saying it is the right thing to do, but it is the way I naturally function. Now that we have arrived in Spain I feel like I can get on with life again. I have been so happy to meet new people and start making friends. Just today I visited with two different women that I met at the park Maisie was playing at. They happened to be “on holiday” and not living in Barcelona, but I chatted with them…

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