Getting on with Life
I am so happy to finally be getting on with life. For some reason, while I am in transition, it feels like I am paralyzed and can’t possibly have a routine (not that I like them anyways) or meet new people or do anything really outside my comfort zone. It is almost like I just have to survive and for some reason, that is good enough for me. I’m not saying it is the right thing to do, but it is the way I naturally function.
Now that we have arrived in Spain I feel like I can get on with life again. I have been so happy to meet new people and start making friends. Just today I visited with two different women that I met at the park Maisie was playing at. They happened to be “on holiday” and not living in Barcelona, but I chatted with them and it was so good to meet new people and hear new stories even if it won’t become a long lasting friendship! One lady that I talked with was French and her son was born in the same hospital in Paris that Maisie was born in! We shared our experiences and laughed together. It was really refreshing!
After the little conversations, I planned out an idea of what our daily lives will look like. Yep, that’s right, I made a little schedule! This is WAY more for Maisie’s benefit than mine!! I have our day planned out from 9am (when hopefully we will begin waking up) until about 5 or 6. Then who knows what. I am obviously open to changing this, but I wanted to set out time to make sure I was doing things with Maisie to help her feel secure and happy. A typical planned out day looks like this: Wake up, Breakfast, Get ready, Park, Lunch, Nap, Snack, Activity/play time together/books. Then who knows what. Gotta keep some sort of spontaneity in there! I realize I probably won’t stick to this plan all the time, but it’s a nice start and it feels GOOOOOOD being productive, even in our personal lives.
Maisie’s doing great. She loves going to the parks and she loves that there is ice cream on every block and she loves that we give in most of the time to her getting ice cream! She’s a hard one to resist! Her other favorite things are pushing the baby in the stroller, like seen in my previous post. She is also starting to respond with “Hola!” when someone says hello to her.
Justin is still busy on the apartment search. We found our “dream apartment” but are waiting to see if the price will be lowered. If not, we know that there is something else out there perfect for us!
Tonight we are getting together with a really cool couple we met here a few days ago. They have been so nice and welcoming to us, but are moving at the end of the month. Bummer for us!
So yes, we are getting on with life and it feels good!

Taken on our little couch in the temporary apartment

Playing and dancing amidst the chaos and mess that is our apartment right now

Justin workin' hard for his money to find an apartment. Taken from the crazy bed (see previous post)

Maisie enjoying one of the last chocolate Koala bars she will have for a long, long time on the little balcony

Playtime at the park. She stopped long enough for me to get a pic!

Enjoying a little mango gelato (her favorite flavor) before passing out for her nap!
I’m so proud of you for your focus and commitment to your family. I remember how fast the days went by when the boys were little and I tried not to feel guilty when I had nothing to show for the day except messes and dirty dishes. Ha.ha. Keep the precious pictures coming. It helps me relate to your new life and it makes me feel closer to my little family (that’s growing!) in Spain.
Jen-so glad you are writing again, i have missed hearing (reading) your thoughts. It sounds likes you are getting used to things around there and that you are truly happy! Praying for you guys!!
You know, the more I read about your new life, whether on facebook, in emails or on this blog, it’s becoming very clear that you are where you’re supposed to be, Jen. There is an enthusiasm, a light, an airiness in your writing that has not been there for awhile. I guess one might call it hopeful and expectant of good things.
I love that God is introducing you to so many people right off the bat. Amazing! AND my little hunny bunny, that is SO cute that you have a schedule going for Maisie. That’s so stepping out of your spontaneous comfort zone :-). I’m so proud of you Jen. Love you.
That is so cool how you “pinned down” that function! I do the same thing, which is why during pregnancy I am so homebodyish & my friends tend to feel ignored. I am just trying to “get through” the transition, and while I want to be more engaged, I do tend to hunker down, as well! I wonder why we do this?
Glad you’re blogging again! Your musings always make me muse 🙂 Love you!!!
You have a schedule? Who are you…and what did you do with my friend?!?!?! 🙂 I love it! You should see the schedule I’ve had to put together for my new life these days…it would make you cringe! So happy to hear the you are loving life there. I need more pictures. I hate it when I can’t “see” where you live and where you hang out and YOU! Keep blogging, I swear I will pull mine up once the kids get back into school.