Daily Life
Let’s talk about babies and underwear.
Why do babies like to put underwear around their heads? Maisie stacked them all up around her neck the other day and crawled around as though she was the prettiest little princess there ever could be. When I told my friend Katie about it, she happily exclaimed that Julia had done the same thing earlier that day. I retold the story today to my friend Margie and she let me know that her girls did the same thing. I remember pictures of my niece, when she was about three years old, wearing my sister’s thongs. Interesting. I guess us women start at an early age with our love for pretty undies. Well, except for that Maisie decided to wear my big, cozy undies that I sometimes sleep in. Sorry, but the pretty ones are reserved for daytime use. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? TMI…I know….I know. Justin actually…
Read MoreSome ramblings from my heart
I just want to be settled somewhere. We have been “on the road” since the end of August. We have been living out of a suitcase for that long, over three and a half months. I feel very unsettled. We don’t know what our future looks like and it is a bit unnerving. All we know is that we will be in Portland for a year. After that? We have no clue. We are waiting to hear from God. Waiting for some BIG sign or answer. Waiting for peace. Waiting for unity. Waiting. Lots of waiting. Reminds me of when I was waiting for Maisie, but she took her sweet time. Two weeks late is REALLY late for a huge pregnant woman! I feel like things are taking their sweet time right now. Justin and I have different feelings about the future, but I have complete faith that we will…
Read MoreLoud Baby in a Mini Van
I felt very much like a typical mom today. You know the ones you see on television that are driving in their mini van and freaking out at the kids for being loud and obnoxious? That was me today. Justin wanted to make a “quick” trip to some electronic store to see about a dead battery in his computer. Let’s just say that there is no such thing as a quick trip for Justin to any electronic store. So I waited and waited and waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity. Maisie was screaming her head off. Not necessarily crying, but screaming as if someone was torturing her. It was not pleasant to the ears. By the time Justin came out, I felt like doing something horrible to him. Maybe screaming loudly in his ear or punching him really hard, just to get some aggression out from waiting…
Read MoreLeg Warmer Obsession (Yes, It’s True)
A couple of my friends have little girls around Maisie’s age and they have the cutest little teeny tiny leg warmers. For some reason, seeing these little leg warmers excited something inside me to the point where I just felt like I had to have them for Maisie! I wonder if my love of leg warmers began as a child when my mom would get me all dressed up in my leotard and leg warmers for my junior jazzercise class. All I knew is that I had to have them for Maisie. I literally could not stop thinking of them and it only got worse after we actually did drive to the place to buy Maisie her own little precious pair of leg warmers. I was convinced she needed them and then as soon as she had her own pair, I couldn’t stop thinking of how she needed more colors. …
Read MoreHere is my new haircut people!!!!! (and a couple other cute pix)
And of course a cute Maisie picture! This is her newest favorite thing to do…sucking on and blowing through a little pipe thing while crawling around. And then this next one is of Justin and Maisie’s jam session. They were seriously both playing together. I personally think that is just about the cutest thing ever!!
Read MoreLet’s talk about the important things….
Hopefully you won’t be seeing any pictures of me with this hairstyle for quite some time… I got a haircut today! If you have been reading my blog for a while now, you know that I have had some mishaps in the hair department. Well, today my good friend Andrea cut my hair. It hadn’t been cut since my last fiasco in Paris and I just have to say that I was so thankful to get rid of that cut! 2 1/2 years in Paris, France and not one good haircut!!! How can this be?!? I lay awake in bed pondering how such a thing could happen in one of the most fashion conscience cities in the world. I just don’t know. But all I do know is that I have a cute haircut once again. I was really beginning to lose hope that I would ever feel cute again.…
Read MoreHappy Halloween!
I know this is probably so ridiculous, but I was so excited to be in the states for Maisie’s first Halloween, or rather, my first Halloween with a child! On Sunday we went to a Trunk or Treat at Adventure Church. Here are a couple pictures from that! And by the way, it was so hot Maisie couldn’t even wear her costume unless we were in the air conditioned building! Maisie is going for a walk! My pretty little sister Kylie, all dressed up for Halloween! On Halloween night, we went to our friends’ house to celebrate with a bunch of people! It was so fun! Maisie got a lot of candy (which unfortunately, is going straight to my belly and thighs)! Maisie was a chicken, but here she is in her little tie-dye onesie! On a side note….Maisie spilled water on herself and it also tie-dyed her poor little…
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