Happy Halloween!

I know this is probably so ridiculous, but I was so excited to be in the states for Maisie’s first Halloween, or rather, my first Halloween with a child!  On Sunday we went to a Trunk or Treat at Adventure Church.  Here are a couple pictures from that!  And by the way, it was so hot Maisie couldn’t even wear her costume unless we were in the air conditioned building! 

Maisie is going for a walk!

My pretty little sister Kylie, all dressed up for Halloween!

On Halloween night, we went to our friends’ house to celebrate with a bunch of people!  It was so fun!  Maisie got a lot of candy (which unfortunately, is going straight to my belly and thighs)! 

Maisie was a chicken, but here she is in her little tie-dye onesie!  On a side note….Maisie spilled water on herself and it also tie-dyed her poor little body.  When we got home and took her clothes off, we freaked out at the purple red coloring on her chest.  I was about to go in and wake up my mom when I realized that it could possilby be the tie-dye onesie.  A little soap and water and it came right off!  Phew!

Maisie tried on my wig.  We now know what she looks like with hair!  I think I like her better bald. 

She is still as serious as can be…even in a chicken costume. 

This is Maisie’s little friend, Julia.  Julia is the daughter of our good friends, Cory and Katie, who we love so much!!!

So Justin tried on my wig too.  Isn’t he pretty?  Pretty ugly!

A Happy Halloween it was!


  1. Alyssa on November 2, 2007 at 5:46 pm

    Maisie is so cute! And so is Justin’s pink hair. 🙂 I’m glad you had a good Halloween! We had a lot of fun too. I put some new pics in facebook if you want to see Kate the cheerleader and Tyson the quarterback! 🙂

  2. svest on November 3, 2007 at 9:36 am

    CUTE!!!!!! Thanks for posting these!!!

  3. Amy Ginther on November 6, 2007 at 12:51 pm

    First of all I hate typing my full name…why oh why do there have to be so many Amy’s in the world? I need a blog nickname!

    Okay, now to your adorable little chicken! What a little cutie, I wish we could have seen her (and it’s cold enough here she would have loved having her chicken suit on). And I love her with hair…maybe not lavendar, but she looks beautiful!

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