Daily Life
Good Times in the Northwest
So here we are in Portland, Oregon. I have to say that I have a renewed love for Portland. I have always had a weirdness of a feeling while visiting Oregon because of my yuck high school years, but I feel like I have grown up a bit and am pretty much over it. I have really enjoyed Portland for the amazing city it is. Here are some of the pictures that we have taken while here to give you a little sample of what we are experiencing! I love this picture! This is at my grandparents home in Cottage Grove, Oregon. I love their yellow house and have such great memories with them! My grandpa (seen through the door) is now 89 years old!!! He is still a lively man and I love him so much! Love those eyes. In this picture you can see Maisie’s first little sharp…
Read MoreMovie with a nine month old
Don’t do it. We finally decided to go to a movie after nine months of movie theater deprivation and learned our lesson. Enough said.
Read MoreFun times in Colorado!
We are having a really great time in Colorado with family! It is amazingly beautiful here! Enjoy the pix! Sisters! Maisie and Aunt Amy! Ethan and Avery…his hair has lots of static from the trampoline! We went to a little petting zoo thing up at Copper Mountain. Maisie loves animals. She loves to touch them and then put her hands in her mouth. I don’t like that. Oh Jason…I love my brother in law. He is the best. (boop) Ethan is adventurous! He is such a little polite guy now! So grown up. Such a typical me look. Oh! I am wearing my new wrap that I love! Maisie loves it too! Maisie tasted lemon. She didn’t love it. Amy likes to torture Maisie, just like she used to torture me. Yes, she is the cutest. mmmmmm hmmmmm Maisie loves Avery’s curls…as do I! Drama like her mama. Oh yeah. …
Read MoreNew Maisie pix and videos too!
I finally downloaded some pictures to Justin’s computer (mine is still crashed!), so I thought I better show off how freakin’ cute my little nugget is! This was on our way from Vienna, Austria to Sopron, Hungary! Maisie and I tortured Jeff the whole time. It was a blast. Maisie got her cuddle on with Paula! We love the Farmers (that is their last name)! They live in Portugal and they are caaarrrraaazzzy! Maisie ate a cookie. Bad, bad mom (and dad). She may just be a drummer like her uncle Nate! Packing is fun! At least for Maisie. I know that Maisie is not smiling in a single one of these pictures, but she prefers to do the serious look while posing for the camera. To prove that she really is a happy baby here is a video we took today! By the way, she totally learned to stand…
Read MoreGrossness
Today was just an all around disgusting and annoying day. It started off with Maisie waking me up every couple hours to eat. Then while she is eating, she decides it is her life mission to pick off one of my moles (which hurts pretty bad with that little pincher grasp of hers). We got a bit of packing done, then headed out to have dinner with a friend (Ursula) before she leaves for Mongolia. While at the delicious sushi restaurant, Maisie chokes on a biscuit (freaking me out a bit) and begins throwing up everywhere, all over herself, Justin, and myself. Then the food is served and I smell vomit for the remainder of our time at the restaurant. I wanted to take a shower and burn my clothes as soon as I got home. Sick. I topped the night off by adjusting my hair (while using the toilette)…
Read MoreMe…Clumsy?
Justin and I sat at Place Verte today for a nice Sunday lunch. Somehow I managed to knock the fries off of my plate, while the dishes collided with one another making a loud clashing noise. I dropped my silverware on the ground making another loud clanging sound and then had to reach way under Maisie’s stroller to get them. I then dropped my silverware on my plate making an even louder sound. Then, when the waitress came over to see if we wanted dessert I looked up at her to have my sunglasses fall off my head and to the ground (she shook her head at me and sort of laughed, which is actually quite polite for a French person). I didn’t even mention yet the little things I did, like my food somehow falling off my fork right before I go to take a bite, all of Maisie’s…
Read MoreBoring day of doing boring things
Today was one of those days where you have a ridiculous amount of things to do, but instead of doing them, you do nothing! I woke up to the sound of pouring down rain. Yes, in July!!! The rain makes me want to just cuddle up and watch a movie under a blanket. So that is pretty much what we did today. It was really nice, but also yucky. It makes me feel gross to just sit all day. Not to mention that we ate popcorn and Reeses peanut butter cups as well. That is really going to help the baby pounds drop off. So we have lots to do in the little amount of time that we are in Paris. Selling things, packing things, closing accounts, etc etc etc! Tomorrow will be a productive day of some of that stuff…unless it rains again. Just kidding. We are having lots…
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