
Staff Conference was the Bestest

This year’s staff conference was the best yet!  There were lots and lots of reasons for it being my favorite.  Here are a couple reasons why: 1. We had two AMAZING speakers!  Alan and Deb Hirsch (he wrote The Shaping of Things to Come) inspired and challenged me in so many ways!  I am more excited than ever to serve here in Paris and see what God is maybe calling us to in new and different ways within the city.  Their talks really confirmed in mine and Justin’s hearts that we need to be in a different part of the city and so we will begin that search once we get back from the states.  Here is a picture of Justin and me with Alan and Deb.  LOVE THEM! 2.  I got to see my Mary from the south of France!  She is always SUPER encouraging!  On the way to…

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