Staff Conference was the Bestest

This year’s staff conference was the best yet!  There were lots and lots of reasons for it being my favorite.  Here are a couple reasons why:

1. We had two AMAZING speakers!  Alan and Deb Hirsch (he wrote The Shaping of Things to Come) inspired and challenged me in so many ways!  I am more excited than ever to serve here in Paris and see what God is maybe calling us to in new and different ways within the city.  Their talks really confirmed in mine and Justin’s hearts that we need to be in a different part of the city and so we will begin that search once we get back from the states.  Here is a picture of Justin and me with Alan and Deb.  LOVE THEM!

2.  I got to see my Mary from the south of France!  She is always SUPER encouraging!  On the way to staff conference I read more of her book (that you see on the left column of this blog), called Building the Christian Family You Never Had.  GREAT BOOK and it seriously talked about some issues that I am dealing with in my life right now!  I love Mary and she is a great author and friend and she is the bestest!

3.  I met new friends!  This year there were lots of new people that have just moved to Europe, or are in the process of moving.  It was fun getting to know a couple of girls!  Here is me with a few of girls I connected with.

4.  I didn’t have an ugly hair cut this year!  Yes, last year was the dreaded ugly haircut year where I spent most of my time hiding out in fear that I would be seen with a butt ugly hair cut.  Sorry, I know it is vain, but it is true.


5. I facilitated Linus Morris!  Linus is the president of our organization!  He is an amazing man in whom I was a bit intimidated by.  If you know me, you know that I don’t like to lead things, facilitate things etc.  I once tried to lead a small group and unfortunately we talked more of fashion and boyfriends than we did Jesus.  This is not my gift.  I was SHOCKED when they announced to all of staff conference that I would be facilitating one of the tables.  I was even MORE shocked when I found my table and saw that Linus was sitting at it!  This was a huge stretch for me, but it ended up being so great!  Here is a picture of me at work, facilitating the prez!  He is so interested in what I am saying, even taking notes!!!  Okay okay, if you can’t tell, we set up the picture, but that is ALMOST what it was really like.  Ok, not really, but I can pretend.

Another thing I have to mention about staff conference is that it is like a family reunion, except people seem even more excited to see you than some family members do! It is so fun to connect with people and encourage and be encouraged by people who are on the same boat as you.  In my bestest of Christian words that I can use to explain staff conference, it is an AWESOME BLESSING.

peace out.


  1. Justin on August 5, 2006 at 10:59 am

    You are right babe…this is like a family reunion! It was fun getting off of the bus and being welcomed by so many friends…good times…

  2. Jamie on August 6, 2006 at 11:10 pm

    Can’t wait to see your pregnant self in person!!!

  3. Nick on August 11, 2006 at 11:24 am

    I didn’t think your DeBron ’05 haircut was ugly; a bit angular, slightly nouvelle vague, somewhat Left Bank, a trifle odd, but hey, never ugly. This year you looked fab and groovy, as always. Hope crazy ol’ America is being good to you!

  4. lisa on August 19, 2006 at 9:03 am

    that’s a great shot of you enlightening the prez with your great words of wisdom! you go, girl!

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