My ish

Bible Tantrum

Maisie brings me a HUGE children’s Bible that is in the office for me to read to her. I begin reading, but realize how completely boring the book is. The pictures are boring and the way it is written is just ridiculous for a children’s Bible. So I tell her, “Maisie, go get a different book.” Maisie then begins crying hysterically as she puts the HUGE children’s Bible on the ground. Justin turns to Maisie quickly, thinking she has just dropped the ridiculously HUGE children’s Bible on her foot. “No,” I tell him. “She is crying because she wants me to read her the Bible, but it is just so boring!” Justin begins laughing at me and I realize just how ridiculous I am that my child wants me to read her the Bible, but I won’t because I think the book is boring. So of course we ended up…

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Rules When Speaking to a Pregnant Woman

OH YES! There are rules! I’ve been thinking a lot about pregnancy lately. Partly because I can’t wait to settle down somewhere and get pregnant again and partly because I have a lot of friends who have just either had a baby or are pregnant right now. It got me to thinking of all the crazy, ridiculous, rude, and inappropriate things that have been said to me during and right after pregnancy. So now that I am not boiling with anger or shame or insecurity anymore, I thought it would be fun to share them! I have to warn some of you though, you may be reading words that came from your lips. I am not trying to be passive aggressive in confronting you as many people say weird things to pregnant women. I just thought there should be a little lesson from one who has experienced some funny comments.…

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Refugee Hair

This last weekend we were in Brussels to learn more about a big service project called Serve The City. Justin and I know that this is something we definitely want to do in whatever city we end up in. This weekend was a great time of learning and connecting with fellow CAI-ers. On Saturday we actually did do a day of service. Justin took photographs and my project was to cut hair for refugees at a refugee center. Thank the Lord I had a professional hair stylist with me, who taught me all sorts of things that I didn’t know about hair cutting. I have so much to learn and really would love to be able to do some sort of official training!!! Anyways, enough rambling on about that!!! If I am honest with myself, part of me was thinking of how cool it would be to be able to…

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I like to smell.

I am seriously wondering why it is that I like to smell things so much. It’s like an obsession. I must smell. It has gotten me in LOTS of trouble with my nose, almost bringing me to a reunion with my previous meal. I smell all sorts of things. Dirty clothes to make sure they are dirty (YUCK!!!). Dishes after I have cleaned them, just to make sure they smell fresh! Today while at a THRIFT STORE (!!!) I was looking at some of the kitchen things and came across a sort of cute pitcher type thing and looked inside to see something crusted in there. What made me think it was a good idea to smell this crust, I do not know. But I stuck my sniffer in there with such passion, only to find it smelled of urine and who knows what else! I had to pull my…

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Taco Bell Hot Sauce

There is seriously something that goes on in the brain where if you KNOW you can’t have something, you want it even more. This is a theme I am seeing from yesterday’s blog post as well. I love you Taco Bell hot sauce!!! I always will!!!! I’m going to have to look into why I am freaking out about the things I can’t have right now. T.V. shows, taco bell hot sauce….  What is wrong with me!?!? Is it ridiculous to say I feel desperate to just have a bean burrito right now? So yeah, seems dumb to write about this on my blog, but it is my ish for the moment. Wanting things I can’t have. And while I’m at it, I’ll also throw in my family and how I can’t have them either right now. That sucks too. But I think at this point, I might take the…

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I found it!

So I just found that Itunes sells the season of The Biggest Loser. Now that I have this information, I am uninterested in buying it. I refuse to buy a show that I can watch for free in the states.  Ok, not true. I did buy Project Runway when I was pregnant.   Enough of this nonsense!

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I’m Blond Again!

I’ve been wanting to go blond for a while now. Well, maybe about a year. And for some reason, I kept listening to other advice (especially by my husband) not to do it! So I stayed with the brown. I’ve been wanting a change and feeling like I’ve been stuck in a rut for so long! Literally wearing the same three pair of pants (one which is completely unwearable now, the other gaining new and bigger holes by the day).  My one pair of “good” jeans is starting to wear thin on the knee and I know it won’t be much longer till there is a nice little hole there. I have two sweatshirts that I trade off every other day. I tell you this not to feel sorry for me as I probably could go out and buy a couple new things, but I am at a fashion crisis…

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