Ten Years

Ten years of marriage. Ten years of trying to get over my own selfishness. Ten years of trusting a person with who I really am. Ten years of laughing together. Ten years of crying together. Ten years of learning to fight. Ten years of learning NOT to fight. Ten years of pushing buttons. Ten years of getting my buttons pushed. Ten years of snuggles. Ten years of learning passion. Ten years of letting go. Ten years with the best kisser. Ten years of feistiness. Ten years of disagreeing over the same ol’ things. Ten years of getting over the small things. Ten years full of love. Ten years full of growth. Ten years with my best friend. The best ten years of my life.
You said this so brilliantly! I teared up as I read this, thinking about the last 10 years with my own love! <3
perfectly said, Jen. happy anniversary!
Awwww! I love this. You express yourself so well. God bless you my dear daughter-in-law. I love you and am so happy you are family.
What a wonderful description of your 10 years…it seems that the underlying characteristic is Love and Perseverance!
Thanks for being an example to so many just trying to live out life.
You totally need to become a writer Jenn~the way you put things is beautiful and almost poetic. Btw, such a gorgeous pic of you and Justin~both could be models (even today it’s true). Happy Anniversary and may you be blessed with many many more!