
She looks so sweet and innocent.

But let me tell you, looks can be deceiving!  Maisie is at an interesting age right now.  Don’t get me wrong, there are so many wonderful things that I LOVE so much!  She does this super cute thing where she reads to herself out loud.  She also shares cookies, bottles, and other snacks with her dolls.  One of my most favorite things is that we have our own little language and we speak it to each other!  Maybe one day I will try to record it.  It is hilarious.  Some wise person once told me that, “Everything changes at one.”  Man, were they right!  Bedtimes are hideous!  Flights are just sick and wrong (for the most part, luckily the last one was great), and she actually has an attitude now!  That is what shocks me the most!  I never thought that my sweet, precious, innocent little Maisie would ever throw…

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She likes Teletubbies!

  I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Today it was a good thing. I am still really sick and just needed a break. Justin had downloaded a Teletubbies video upon my request because someone said little kids LOVED them. They were right. Maisie sat in front of the computer smiling, clapping, squealing and eating her little dried fruits for over 80 minutes. Sad. I normally wouldn’t stick her in front of the t.v. or computer, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I slept. I slept while the sound of Teletubbies rang in my ear. The show is actually quite disturbing. For instance, this creepy little baby sun. I couldn’t find a picture worthy of it’s creepiness. Just watch it one day and you will see!

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Bumps and Bruises and Near Death Experiences

Tonight could have possibly been one of the most scary nights of my life. So we are living in a basement. And what do all basements have in common? Stairs. Stairs and a one year old don’t really mix. I found it out tonight. Don’t worry, there was no falling. Just almost falling. I went upstairs to throw something in the dryer real quick and had a quick chat with Carol (who owns the home). I thought I heard a little Maisie yell, but didn’t think much of it since Justin was downstairs with her. Well, about a minute later I open the door to go back downstairs and there she is, looking up at me, standing one step below me, with a long staircase below her. My heart began to race, then my mind began to race with all the things that COULD have happened if I was one…

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Some ramblings from my heart

I just want to be settled somewhere. We have been “on the road” since the end of August. We have been living out of a suitcase for that long, over three and a half months. I feel very unsettled. We don’t know what our future looks like and it is a bit unnerving. All we know is that we will be in Portland for a year. After that? We have no clue. We are waiting to hear from God. Waiting for some BIG sign or answer. Waiting for peace. Waiting for unity. Waiting. Lots of waiting. Reminds me of when I was waiting for Maisie, but she took her sweet time. Two weeks late is REALLY late for a huge pregnant woman! I feel like things are taking their sweet time right now. Justin and I have different feelings about the future, but I have complete faith that we will…

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Loud Baby in a Mini Van

I felt very much like a typical mom today. You know the ones you see on television that are driving in their mini van and freaking out at the kids for being loud and obnoxious? That was me today. Justin wanted to make a “quick” trip to some electronic store to see about a dead battery in his computer. Let’s just say that there is no such thing as a quick trip for Justin to any electronic store. So I waited and waited and waited and waited for what seemed like an eternity. Maisie was screaming her head off. Not necessarily crying, but screaming as if someone was torturing her. It was not pleasant to the ears. By the time Justin came out, I felt like doing something horrible to him. Maybe screaming loudly in his ear or punching him really hard, just to get some aggression out from waiting…

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White Trash Mom?

You would think that I would question my parenting skills once in a while, and I guess I do, but not the same things that other people question in me. I am not the mom who has the high chair cover for the restaurants or the covers for the shopping carts. I just think that it looks strange. I get the idea of it, but to me, a few germs on the shopping cart or high chair are the least of my concerns. I also just throw food down on the table without cleaning it off. Ew, I know that is sort of gross. Another thing that I get a lot of, “you better not do that!” comments to are when I set Maisie down on the floor of a restaurant to crawl around. I know the floors are gross (not compared to floors in Paris!!!), but she is past…

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Why Mean Childcare Worker….WHY?!?

Sometimes I just gotta ask, "Why?"  Is it really that hard to come and get me when my baby is in hysterics because she wants her mommy?  Is it really necessary to think you have it under control when someone else’s child is crying so hard she can’t breath?  Is it necessary to only get the mom once that child has thrown up from crying so hard?  THIS is why I don’t like to leave Maisie with strangers!  We left Maisie at the childcare at church last night and let’s just say it didn’t go so well.  The rest of the night Maisie was clingy and insecure.  Poor thing.  I am not one to let her just cry and cry and cry, so it bothers me when other people do.  And on a side note: I had asked the lady to please come get me if she started to cry,…

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