Ice, Ice, Baby… do do do do do do do.

Tonight we went to an AMAZING Moroccan restaurant!  Seriously, if any of you come to Paris, you must ask Justin (not me because i am horrible at directions) where exactly this amazing restaurant is!  Jill, if you are reading this, we are going there when you and Sean get here!  SERIOUSLY DELISH and a great atmosphere!!!

On to why I am posting this.  Maisie was really hungry on our way home from the delish restaurant and started to get really fussy.  For some reason Justin doesn’t know ANY little kid songs.  I don’t think his family was into musicals and nerdy song things like mine was…no offense mom, it was nerdy.  But fun!!!!!  After trying to entertain Maisie with one of my childhood favorites…something about a king with a big nose ring…I decided to bust out a little Vanilla Ice so Justin could join in.  Somehow I sitll have most of that song memorized.  So here we are….me pushing the stroller, Maisie wide eyed and watching, and Justin doing little rap moves as we sing Ice, Ice, Baby down the streets of Paris…even as people are walking by.  Justin would get a little quieter and shy as people walked by, but I have no shame in entertaining my baby in whatever means necessary.  Well, maybe I won’t go that far, but singing that little song was better than hearing her cry! 

Alright stop!  do do do do do do! 


  1. Mom on June 27, 2007 at 6:52 pm

    Oh my gosh…where was I the other day when someone started clowning around and singing that song! It brought back all the memories of you and Amy singing it…knowing every single word! Oh yes, Maisie is a child of culture, that’s for sure! She may not like Calico King now, but she will, my dear, she will.

  2. Jill on June 27, 2007 at 9:16 pm

    oh I am definitely reading this and we are definitely going!! Can’t wait! Also, I sing to Ashley on walks, too. Only she gets to stroll to the sounds of Journey, not Vanilla Ice. I’ll have to keep him in mind though. Collaborate and listen.

  3. Jonathan on June 30, 2007 at 8:45 am

    One to many “do”s. :o)

    “do do do do do do do”

  4. Holly on July 4, 2007 at 9:21 am

    It should be “ice ice baby, too cool, too cool…” I LOVE YOU JEN!!! I’m continuing to lift you guys up as you discern where God is leading you!! You are a blessing to me!!

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