Speaking of White Trash…

We almost ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken for our Thanksgiving meal tonight.  Can you even believe it???  My mom woke up sick today, so we had to cancel our plans to go to our friends house for dinner.  We went through the drive through and they had been closed for two hours.  As we were figuring out what other fast food restaurant would be open on Thanksgiving day, we spotted some people coming out of the Safeway!  We couldn’t even believe we were so lucky to have a real grocery store open at 6pm on Thanksgiving evening!  So we bought a cooked chicken (tastes the same to me as turkey!), some mashed potatoes that just needed to be heated, a packet of gravy mix (ew, no taste), Stovetop Stuffing (surprisingly delish!), some little rolls that you just brown in the oven, and then I had already made my mother in law’s most delish sweet potato casserole!  It was a fabulous meal for only spending about 20 minutes in the kitchen!  In fact, I would say it was one of the best meals on Thanksgiving ever for the simple fact that I wasn’t in the kitchen all day! 

I am reconsidering using Stovetop stuffing every year.  Maybe not, but at least we all know it is a good substitute!  Aaaauuugh, the life of a white trash woman! 

(On a side note: I really am part white trash, which, in my opinion, gives me the right to use that term)

1 Comment

  1. Svest on December 11, 2007 at 4:47 pm

    We prefer the term “whiskey tango”(instead of white trash) and our life consists of “whiskey tango” happenings. That sounds like a fabulous meal! It cracks me up that no one responded to this. Is everyone disgusted and appauled? AWEESOME!

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