Life and Maisie and Other Things Too

Sometimes when I get overwhelmed with something I like to ignore it altogether.  A perfect example of this is my blog.  I have made empty promises in the past to try to post everyday, specifically a picture.  Well, I just can’t do it!  Sometimes I will just draw a blank and have nothing to say.  Then, as far as a picture goes, my batteries are dead on my camera.  Yeah, I should get new batteries, but I am lazy bones. 

So lots of new things happening in our family!  At least lots of new things happening with Maisie!  Thanks to my mom, she is now using a fork and spoon!  I can’t even believe she can poke her little organic raviolis with her plastic fork.  It is really cute.  She also scoops up yogurt and other fruit puree type things.  It is precious, except for the fact that it gets everywhere. 

Maisie is officially a walker.  She was determined to leave California a walker and has been successful in that mission!  She walks everywhere now.  It is pretty cute. 

She has a little baby that she loves so much and she kisses and hugs it like there is no tomorrow.  How do they know how to do that???  It is really amazing.  She already has those nurturing instincts.  Amazing.

Something sad that I do to her, is once in a while I will ask her where Bandna is (one of my friends in Sacramento) and she will look around a bit distraught.  I am just curious if she remembers (which obviously she does), but I think it is probably sick and wrong that I do that.

It snowed on Christmas, which was amazing.  We had a fun time with Justin’s family, just relaxing and eating. 

I miss my family.  It was hard to be away from my mom on Christmas.  I am thinking this was the first Christmas I have ever spent away from her.  Sad.  It is hard living far from family, but at least I am not a whole ocean away this time. 

We are still processing what is next for us.  We are very open to whatever God has for us.  We are just waiting.  A lot of waiting. 

Some other important news (not really) for this post is that I have allergies.  I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst itchy throat ever.  I had to take a Clariton.  Hopefully that is ok while nursing!

Some exciting news (for real) is that we are going to be heading to Denver in a couple weeks to get some counseling to process where we are at in our lives (with some really great people who work with Christian Associates) and also to visit with my sister and her family.  Then we head back to Paris!!!  YAY!!!!  We are really looking forward to seeing old friends.  It will be tough because we are also going to be selling a lot of our things and saying a more permanent goodbye to some of the people we know there.  But by permanent, I mean we won’t be seeing them in the next year.  Or who knows actually.  We are just really looking forward to being back in Paris for a couple weeks. 

So that is a lot of random information, but I felt like I needed to share it all, so there it is!

And of course, a picture of our little nugget!!!  She is amazing!


  1. Mom on December 27, 2007 at 6:50 am

    a whole lot of random and the sweetest little nugget picture ever! when do i get my copies??? i miss you guys so much!!!! glad to hear maisie is conquering the fork and spoon…she’s such a little miss independent. just like her mama! i love you.

  2. Alyssa on December 27, 2007 at 11:14 am

    That picture is soooo cute!
    And I love that she kisses and loves her baby so much. It’s not just instincts – it’s because she knows how much you love her and she’s showing you she can love her baby that much too! 🙂
    I’m so sorry about the allergies – yuck! I have quite a variety of allergy meds that are nursing safe. (I think Claritin’s fine too.) I went through a bunch until I found one that worked well. So I’ll wrap my leftover ones up with the pink converse for the next time I see you!
    Love ya!

  3. Donna on December 27, 2007 at 11:30 pm

    LOve the picture of your girlie.

    I too am far from family. Just across the country but still, not around the corner. Whaaa. I feel for ya Jen.

    I am secretly excited that you will be in Paris for a few weeks. I have one word for you.. LUCKY!

  4. Bandna on December 28, 2007 at 10:32 am

    I freakin love that turkey i know its probably wrong but keep doing that to her until i get there…haha. im so excited to see her running around when we come out next month. love you

  5. Amy Ginther on December 30, 2007 at 9:05 pm

    You may be far away from the family that you were born into…but you do realize that we are adopting you into our family right? 🙂 You are doing amazing with this strange phase of your life! And it is just that, a strange LITTLE phase. So stay up late, sleep with your little nugget, have a “kix party” on the carpet 🙂 enjoy it, cause it will all change again soon! We love you guys!!!

  6. Kate Fretland on January 3, 2008 at 1:13 am

    OHMYGOSH!!! I love her little Maisie Christmas outfit. ( So not the velvet kinda girl… haha)

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