She’s a genius!


Ok, not really. I know most parents think this about their children, but it is only because we saw them when they were just little blobs of human, not even able to control their little arm movements. Suddenly, they begin to resemble a real person who can do real person type things.

The latest Maisie is a real person things are:

1. Sharing her sippy cup with her baby, rocking and patting her baby to sleep.

2. “Reading” other babies (real live babies) books and patting them on the back as to comfort them in a motherly way (see picture above of Maisie and her boyfriend Eli…she likes the young ones).

3. She now points to different pictures in books that she recognizes and is starting to make animal noises when she spots one she recognizes. Elephants are her favorite.

4. When she sees a circle, she says, “ball!”

5. She comes running when I shake the chocolate covered edamame container. Not only that, but the other day I was talking about chocolate covered edamame and she ran to where I keep it. Oh yes, it is her favorite.

6. She came over to sit next to me yesterday, laid her head on my arm, and fell asleep. (normally there is a bit more rocking involved)

7. She tries to sing the elmo song when she sees a picture of elmo.

8. She takes showers with me like a big girl.

9. She throws a ball, and pretty good (which of course Justin loves).

10. She runs around high pitch screaming when we play with her (which of course, I love).

She is such a fun little delight of a baby! Or is she a kid? She is growing up so fast. I am thankful for all the advice of friends telling me it was okay to rock her to sleep and to breastfeed for longer because it really does go by too fast. Two nights in a row she fell asleep without me helping her. She is growing up and I didn’t even ask for her to. It is true that every stage gets better and better. But of course I miss the teeny tiny stage. But she is challenging me in new ways, that I REALLY appreciate. I need to remember to really be attentive to her now and enjoy this stage as well, because it will be gone before I know it.

Anyways, rambling on!!! I’m going to bed so that I can be a refreshed mommy ready to play with my Crazers.


  1. Mom on April 19, 2008 at 7:20 am

    There is just nothing like being a mom, watching little babies grow into little girls (or boys) because, you have it right Jen, soon they are on to the next stage. Your delight in being Maisie’s mom is obvious…and sort of makes me wonder when you’ll be ready for that next teeny tiny stage! 🙂

  2. Melea on April 19, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    ahhhh,you should have put the video on! That was so sweet watching her read to him.

  3. Diane on April 19, 2008 at 9:46 pm

    Love the pat on the back, Maisie is a doll.
    Your friends baby is a cutie too. 🙂
    Oh, my son spilled my container of choc. covered edamame…………they rolled all over! I guess I’ll be making a trip to Trader Joes for more, you have me hooked. LOL!

  4. Jen Powell on April 19, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    Mom- yes, it is amazing to be a mom. I see what you mean now. however, I am still a little worried about those teenage years!

    Melea- your wish is my command!

    Diane- don’t think I am disgusting, but we also had a little spill (well, the whole container), but I picked them up and saved what I could! YUCK! But yum all at the same time!

  5. apriltgc on April 26, 2008 at 7:02 am

    so i’m curious how you got maisie to shower with you. alleke is currently freaked out of the bath again! I don’t know what her deal is, but it would be way easier if she would be willing to just shower with me, but the shower is even scarier than the bathtub. any suggestions?

  6. Lori on April 28, 2008 at 4:43 am

    “I am thankful for all the advice of friends telling me it was okay to rock her to sleep and to breastfeed for longer because it really does go by too fast. Two nights in a row she fell asleep without me helping her.” Wow I really needed to hear that. My little one is 8 months old and right now it seems like she’ll never go to sleep on her own.

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