We had a very fun and very American Fourth of July! I had such a fun day. It was nice being in America on such an American holiday. For the last few years we have been in France during America’s Independence day and I must say, it just isn’t the same. I sort of just took it all in, knowing that it would most likely be my last celebration of this holiday in America… for a while at least. I loved every part of what we did, down to the hot dogs and snow cones. It was all just so much fun!!!!! And of course, here are some pictures from the day.
I will start off with a picture from a little photo shoot of Maisie modeling the red, white, and blue dress that Mimi (Justin’s grandmother and Maisie’s great grandmother) bought for Maisie!

We went to a park festival thing, where they had this little water area for kids to play in. Maisie is normally FREAKED out by the water at places like this and won’t go near it. But on this day, she was brave and actually touched the water!
As you can see, Maisie got a little too close to the fountain and got a bit soaked on her face. She handled it like a champ though!
Maisie saw a real life horse for the first time! Little does she know that they are normally a lot bigger than the one at the festival!
Maisie needed a water break. We are such proud parents over the silliest of things…. Like her being able to drink from a water bottle all by herself! Genius!!!!
Maisie’s first snow cone!
Thanks Bryce for making the snow cones!!
I love this picture of Amy and Isaac. Amy is such a great mommy to her three kids and they are all SOOO different! We are growing to love this family a lot.
Maisie loved this little bike!

She loved it so much that she used baby swear words when Eliza touched the bike. Full on baby fighting going on. And I am surprised to say that Maisie was the one starting it. My little precious baby!!!! A fighter!?!?

So this is about when we stopped taking pictures. Maisie ended up passing out about two minutes before the big firework show started! I was shocked as she didn’t even jump or move at all when the loud booms were going off! She is such a little trooper!
These are GREAT pictures! I’m so glad you’re having so much fun and that your first official 4th of July with Maisie in America was so memorable! That’s hilarious that she was ticked about sharing the bike. So unlike her…
Awwwww, I LOVE these pictures of your American holiday! I really do think the 4th might be my favorite holiday…the weather, the food, the friends, the fun! Thanks for celebrating with us. The picture of Maisie posing at the splash pad – ADORABLE!!! I love you and your “hotness” and your “cuteness”…my dang, I’m gonna miss you all so much!!!!
*and in the picture it looks like Eliza was the instigator 🙂
I just wanted to say that your photos are amazing. I particularly like the one of her too close to the fountain! Great shot! And happy 4th of July.
Oh will we EVER experience Holiday’s like this together anymore?? *sigh.
Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL! It makes me miss you guys soooo much!
Love all the picuters! The picture of Maisie in the fountain looks like a Gap ad.
🙂 She’s so darn cute!