Our trip to Spain
So I realized that I actually took WAY more videos than pictures while in Barcelona. Pooey. But here are a few pictures from our time in Barcelona and Valencia. I am in the process of uploading videos from the trip, so I will have to post those to my blog in the near future for all to see who want to see!

Maisie fell in love with ice cream while in Spain. This was our first day in Barcelona and we created a ice cream lover! She would randomly say, "ieee cummm!" I know it sounds weird, but that was her way of saying she would like some ice cream!

This was on our terrace. We ate all our meals (that we ate at home) on the terrace. It was wonderful! Maisie's eating a nectarine here. She also fell in love with those (for one day, then she just wanted more ice cream).

"Cheese!" Maisie posed for this picture, while Justin was witnessing a man's wallet almost being stolen! YIKES!

Even though this picture came out dark, I love it because of Maisie's smile! This was taken our first day in Valencia on the balcony of our apartment we stayed in, seven or eight floors high! Needless to say, Justin was sweating a bit, he no likey heights.

Another family picture, same day, but a lot hotter and more tired and sweaty and shiny! Taken in front of a fountain in one of the main touristy squares.

We finally made it to the beach! The beaches are amazing in Valencia! Sand is like flour. Justin and Maisie spent most of their beach time building a sand castle!

ooooooh, I love him SO much! We just sat in this little square together for a long time chatting and cuddling it up while Maisie danced around! It was precious!

In the same little square. One of Maisie's new favorite things is to lay down anywhere and everywhere, normally on her back. And I let her do it. She can get pretty dirty and her hands are black a lot, but dirt don't hurt, right?

I just think my husband is one sexy hotness! As you can see in the background, Maisie found a friend to play with! The language difference didn't stop her!

Changing diapers European style! I was very happy to find this window spot just big enough to change a diaper! Normally we have to get pretty creative and do it on benches or the ground!

Our last day in Spain! We really needed that time just us three! It was great and we now have a lot to think about and pray about!
Overall it was a great trip to Spain! In Valencia we found a pub called Portland! It is owned by two Americans (one of them is actually Spanish, but grew up in America)! We stayed up the last night there and chatted with them till past midnight! We had a really great time in both cities for different reasons.
Videos to come! Ok, ok, I will post ONE video right now. Here it is! The first day in Barcelona as Maisie waited for Justin to bring ice cream!
Hahaha! She is so cute and getting so big!!!
Ahhhhhh, thanks for the pictures! It makes Eliza SO happy to see Maisie. She STILL talks about her pretty much every day!!! I am glad you guys had such a great time. Keep the videos coming!!!
What a great ending to a sweet video! Maisie is getting so expressive. I wonder who she gets that from? 🙂 We miss you and love you.
Loved all the pictures, Jen! I can’t wait to show Kate the new “Maisie movie!” And I’m so happy for you that you got to go to Spain!
Miss you tons!!!
Oh my gosh! My heart wants to burst! I need to see my niece soon! Awesome pictures and great video! The 6th picture down is a spitting image of you in that picture with the cowboy hat about Maisie’s age. It’s weird. It’s bringing back memories of our childhood seeing these pictures of Maisie. Sometimes she is just spot on to how you looked at that age!
Jen, I feel such a well of emotion with this new post. You all three look so HAPPY. Honestly, I’ve not seen this radiating from you all for quite some time. And little Maisie, although I know she continues to grow and adapt to new environments, seems so contented. Like Amy/Svest, my heart wants to burst too. I am full of great love for you, and really really really miss you.