I’m taking a two month facebook break, and so far, so good! I’ve been spending more time with my kids, cleaning, cooking, and getting creative! I’m also hoping to get back to my very neglected blog.
Here is what we’ve been up to!
Maisie having fun in the bubbles!
Maisie and I had a little date day. A much needed mother/daughter time!
Dipping her croissant into a hot chocolate with whipped cream. Surprisingly delish!
I found these two snuggling on the couch while watching a movie.
Excited about her new rain boots and umbrella.
During my facebook break, I made seven new tutus for one of the coolest children's shops in Barcelona, called Mujer.
My handmade tags for the tutus. I've named them after Maisie Rae. 🙂 And am storing them in the little pocket purse my grandma made me.
Along with the tutus, I am also starting a little business with a Catalan friend here. I’ll post more on that another time!
Someone gave us this scooter when we visited St. George's church today!
Cutler insisted on riding the scooter all the way home, which was at least 2 1/2 hours. Oye!
I feel like I am starting to make the best of each day and it feels good. I do wonder once in a while what certain people are up to, but for the most part, I feel really happy and content with the way I am living my life. Missing my people, but other than that, life is good!
Yeah for Facebook breaks! I agree Jen – totally helps for re-setting the lifestyle, although I miss checking in on certain people (and lots of “emails” go through facebook now 🙁 ). But just the discipline of not “checking” is incredibly liberating. I pray you find space for you and In Real Life during this break. Good luck! you can do it.
Jen! It’s SO great to hear and “see” a bit of your world in Barcelona! I’ve continued to pray and think of you guys often. Hope you are enjoying this time to disconnect from some things and reconnect with others. I love seeing more of your creative side and this new business venture!
SO great peeking into your life on here…you are so well spoken and the pics are lovely…xoxo
You guys are so cute! Facebook free sounds great…. And much healthier! Way to go Jen 🙂
jen! how come it’s taking me forever to post on your blog???? if this goes through, i’ll post what i originally posted. i love you!!!!
oh for pete’s sake!!! so here we go… first of all, i love that you are blogging again. i love all the pictures. i love your new business ventures. i love that you seem so content and fulfilled with where you are. i just love you honey. i’m so thrilled for God’s work in your life and where He has you right now, and how you are so listening to Him. i love you! here’s to summer 2012~~~