Daily Life

I love Lebanese!

Justin and I are in love with middle eastern food.  My best friend from high school is Lebanese and we would come home after school and eat delicious homemade Lebanese foods till we couldn’t eat anymore!  When Justin and I moved into our apartment on Montparnasse we were blessed by the most delicious Lebanese restaurant right across the street.  We would eat there several times a week…pretty much whenever I didn’t cook.  So this last weekend I was motivated by Laina to start cooking at home more.  I did it tonight.  I made a whole Lebanese feast!  It was my first time ever and I have to say it wasn’t that bad.  The hummus was a bit chunky (our blender is going downhill) and the baba ganoush was a bit too runny.  Other than that, it was delicious and I learned for next time!   Here is a picture of all…

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Little “Neeners”

Yesterday we went and visited Christian and Nadine and their new little Nina!  She is sooooo precious and only seven days old!  Nadine’s mom is in town and made us some AMAZING traditional Palestinian food!  YUM!!!  We love love love Christian and Nadine and are so very sad to be moving away from them, especially now that we both have little girls!  I already nicknamed Nina “Neeners”.  She is so cute!  Maisie didn’t quite know what to think of her, but she was pretty interested in watching her new Parisian best friend.   We ended the night with a little breastfeeding sesh (session).  How ridiculous is it that I look like I am nursing a toddler compared to little Nina?!?  I know it may be weird to post pictures of two moms breastfeeding, but I just thought these were too cute!  And you can see how discreet we are!  In my…

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I don’t know what to title this, so it shall remain untitled. Any ideas???

We had a really fun day today!  After we FINALLY got out of the apartment (seriously, if you thought we were always late before, you should see us now that we have a kid) we went and sat at a cafe for lunch.  Today was the day of the cafe!  We stopped at another for a break to feed Maisie and then another for dinner later on.  By the way, I have eaten duck twice in the last couple weeks, which is very strange since I like to feed ducks and I think they are sort of cute.  I really have to not think about the fact that I am eating duck because it is almost too much to handle.  It is pretty good stuff though.  Ooooooh, another place we will have to go when you and Sean are here Jill!  FUN!  Here is a little family picture at one…

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More pictures from now on!

Hello everyone!  I was just looking at my sister’s blog and was inspired and motivated to start posting more pictures.  I was talking with Justin and thought about doing a Flicker account where I post a new picture everyday, but decided against it as one blog is enough for me.  I already have to keep up with Myspace too!  I don’t want too much on my plate!  I was worried that people would be overwhelmed with something new on my blog everyday.  Maybe some will, but too bad!  If you are lame like me and check other people’s blogs every day in hopes that they wrote something new, you will appreciate my desire to “blog” a bit more.  So a picture from today???  Shoot.  Maybe I will start that tomorrow!  In the meantime, I will catch you up with some of my favorite pictures from the last couple weeks! Justin…

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Justin Gets Back Today!!

Justin has been gone in Spain for a five days on a research trip with our organization. He called me the night he arrived to tell me it looked like Southern California with all the palm trees. I did not take this news well as I was looking out at a rainy Paris neighborhood. I was happy for him to be there, but bummed that I couldn’t be enjoying the sun with him! Maisie and I had a fun girls nights together. We watched movies, invited friends over, pigged out on junk food (she did too in a way I guess), and played fun girly games…you know, like peek-a-boo. It was a fun time to have just us, but I think we are both ready to see Justin again. We both missed him. I always lay in bed for my last feeding with Maisie and Justin is always sitting next…

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Make a Wish

Staring at us in the eye for one and a half months now, has been a wishbone from our turkey on Christmas day.  It began to blend in with the rest of our kitchen items on the windowsill.  I think we pretty much forgot it was there.  But a couple days ago, Justin realized it was there as he was cleaning off the counter.  (on a side note, that is pretty disgusting that we just had a BONE on our windowsill that long…sick!)  "Hey, let’s make a wish!" I agreed, as I had a lot to wish about during this time in my life.  A lot to wish for. As we each grabbed a side, we took a second to make our wish.  When we were good and ready, we then pulled our sides and SNAP!!! The winner of the wish was………no one.  It broke at equal parts and the…

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