Be Afraid! Be VERY Afraid!!!

I have to say that one of the biggest things that I hate (yes, hate) about the states is how fear driven we are.  I remember last summer being scared that there was a bear in my garage (in a Northern California neighborhood) because of all the news stories on bear attacks. 

This year, I am hearing about child murders and other scary things that just freak me out.

I just feel like it is silly sometimes how fearful we are.  Today I was walking around the mall with Maisie in her stroller and went up the escalator in Nordstrom.  Well, this is a very common practice in Paris (unless you want to carry a stroller up a ton of stairs).   So I pretty much feel like a pro at maneuvering the stroller, whether it be going on an escalator, carrying it up and down stairs by myself, or whatever.  Anyways, a lady decided to tell me that it wasn’t a good idea for me to be on that escalator with my stroller.  I am sure she watched some late night show about how escalators kill.  It actually put me in a really bad mood for a few hours.  I think it is just frustrating that people are ruled by fear.  Fear of escalators.  Fear of the neighbor next door.  Fear of anything we can possibly imagine being afraid of.

Anyways, I just felt like sharing that frustration as I lived most of my life as a child in fear.  It has been very freeing living in Europe and not hearing all the nonsense in the news.  That is something I am looking forward to when we move back!   


  1. Erin on September 29, 2007 at 1:40 am

    AMEN! This is so true – and so annoying! Now that we’re actually living in Europe, I notice this all the time. I love going on hikes (in national parks, etc) that have NO railing, NO warning signs to obstruct the natural scenery, as we hang over cliffs literally 100s of feet over the rocky ocean – because people don’t insult our intelligence by putting all this up…everyone just uses common sense! Oh, and the lack of “fear factors” on the news is great!

    Do you know where you’ll be moving yet?

  2. Mom on September 29, 2007 at 7:30 am

    Jen, the comments I make most about my visits overseas have been how safe I feel there. You’re right, America is fear driven and much of that is probably due to the sensationalism allowed the press. It’s also the lack of common courtesy of space and respect for one another. Looking forward to my next visit overseas, wherever and whenever that may be!

  3. Lori on October 1, 2007 at 8:49 pm

    Great Insight! I totally agree! Kudos for recognizing and speaking the truth!

  4. Svest on October 2, 2007 at 8:26 am

    You are not moving back Habla! I refuse it! You are right about the fear. Absolutely ridiculous. I hate how fearful I am. And another annoying thing about America, is that everyone thinks they have a right to tell you what they think about your life when they have no clue who you even are. You have had that happen a couple times since you have been here. Annoying. Next time someone says something just say “Thank you so much for practicing the American way and instilling fear in me and others. YOu are doing your duty as an American. Congratulaions.” Just a thought!

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