A Picture Story of So.Cal

Before we start the picture escapade, let me begin by saying that I am completely annoyed that I didn’t begin taking pictures until later on in our trip.  What you won’t find is our amazing time in Thousand Oaks with CAI staff.  You won’t find pictures of us staying at Steve and Linda Adam’s home or pictures of all of us (and their girls) watching American Idol.  You won’t find pictures of our fun time with Linus and Sharon Morris and their daughter Katherine.  You won’t find pictures of a little hang out sesh with Rita and the fam and Deb and her father in law.  You also won’t find pictures of all the friends we visited.  Such good friends that they were even in our wedding!  You won’t find pictures of the kids that were in our youth group in Long Beach, that are now young adults doing amazing things!!!  Unfortunately, you will not find these pictures because I am too ADD to remember to take them. 

Here are the ones I did manage to take  Please excuse the weird spacing.  Typepad did something new and I haven’t figured it out yet.

So this story begins about three nights into our trip.  We began at….Rigobertos!!!!!  Our most favorite Mexican place on this planet.  This was the restaurant that we would go to at 2am in order to properly gain that Freshman fifteen!  Just down from where we went to college.  Oh the days.

I think she secretly knew she was about to have Mexican food that would rock her world!

YUMMY!!!!!!  Too many glorious beans!!

Carne Asada!  Just like the old days!

A little family picture on the pier where Justin proposed.  Oh Huntington beach, I love thee!!!

This is one of my best friends, Bandna!  Pronounced Bonna, like Donna.  She is from the Sacramento area and flew down to be with us!  WE LOVE HER!!!

I love this picture for more reasons than one!  Amy isn’t wearing makeup in this picture (sorry sis), but that is because our time with them was so laid back and chill the whole time.  Well, it sort of had to be because of Maisie’s ear infection, but that’s cool, we had a blast!  This kitchen was amazing and we spent the first day (until Maisie’s ear infection) cooking!  These were dutch babies.  YUM!  Everytime we went to our grandma’s house when we were little, she would make us dutch babies!  Delish!

This photo was taken on the best day of the year.  No joke.  Maisie had started her antibiotics the day before and was feeling better.  It was the first HOT day since we had been there and we all went out and laid by the pool and swam and it was all just so glorious!!!  Then Amy and I escaped and went out just us two for a few hours!  It was amazing!!  We talked the whole time and of course I now feel closer to her than ever.  Sisters are the BEST!  (That means you too Kylie and Carley!)

*Oh, and I will add that the cousins had a blast together like usual.  They were meant to live close to eachother!!!!!

After a great last day with the family, Maisie passed out while reading a book. 

Bandna joined her and Maisie made herself comfortable.

I didn’t  fall asleep once on the trip, but I did keep myself occupied with this furry little friend.  What you may not know is that Justin and I really do drive around with stuffed animals in our car.  Yes, we are those kind of people.  In a nutshell, we are awesome and our trip was awesome.  Especially the kitty in the window.  Nothing is more awesome than that.  You can actually see how into that kitty I am in the way I am blowing it a kiss with my two fingers.  Hot.


  1. Bandna on June 5, 2008 at 7:02 am

    Hahaha! I love it haha! Awesome trip Love you guys!

  2. Alyssa on June 5, 2008 at 7:32 am

    I’m so glad you’ve had such a good trip! I’m also glad you’re heading back to Portland for a bit because I miss your awesomeness! 🙂

  3. Amy Ginther on June 5, 2008 at 4:15 pm

    I think that the first picture of Maisie is awesome. I think that your hot pink aviators in the last pic are awesome. I think that hot days by the pool would be awesome. And I think that you being back in Portland in 4 days is awesome!

    I will go out of my way to drop anything I am doing to hang out with you guys before you leave in July…so I want NO excuses 🙂 I’ll see you next week!

  4. Ann on June 7, 2008 at 10:22 am

    Oh, I didn’t see these pictures until today! The Johnson’s have kept us very busy. We’ll see you when we get back from the coast! Miss you! Yes, you’re right. Maisie has grown!!!

  5. Diane on June 8, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Hunington Beach, my old stomping ground. Yes, I’m a southern California girl, born and raised. I miss the CA beaches!! Oregon beaches are so darn cold.
    I’m glad that your having such a great time. Love the pictures.
    Take care

  6. svest on June 11, 2008 at 11:28 am

    Why oh why do I never check your blog? Or why oh why is it so??? (to be sung in a loony toons type of tune.) I love these pics!! oh well to the one of me without makeup. i need to get over it.
    Those pics are all so cute! We don’t have one of me and you!

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