
Staff Conference and Amsterdam

We had a great week at our annual staff conference! Here are a couple highlights (or at least pictures) from the week. I pretty much didn’t think about taking pictures till the last day.  That is always how I am. So here are some pictures!  You might notice that each picture from that last night of staff conference was taken by me! Go go gadget arm! 🙂 These are two girls I love!!  In the middle is Chelsea, whose home Justin and I are staying in in Amsterdam!  She however, is off to California for college! 🙁  Then on the right is Katherine!  Katherine is one of our best friends who was on the team with us in Paris!  Katherine and I always have SO much fun together and laugh at anything and everything we can, especially Justin!!   Sarah! I always look forward to hanging out with Sarah at…

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Fourth of July in America!

We had a very fun and very American Fourth of July!  I had such a fun day.  It was nice being in America on such an American holiday.  For the last few years we have been in France during America’s Independence day and I must say, it just isn’t the same.  I sort of just took it all in, knowing that it would most likely be my last celebration of this holiday in America… for a while at least.  I loved every part of what we did, down to the hot dogs and snow cones.  It was all just so much fun!!!!!  And of course, here are some pictures from the day. I will start off with a picture from a little photo shoot of Maisie modeling the red, white, and blue dress that Mimi (Justin’s grandmother and Maisie’s great grandmother) bought for Maisie!   We went to a park…

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Laying out with two of my bestest friends!

I successfully talked Justin into staying one more night in California so that I could have one last lay out day with Bandna and Katie (also only our second lay out day of the whole trip).  I LOVE THESE GIRLS!!!  They are seriously so thoughtful and encouraging and fun!   So here we are!  Don’t mind my whiteness.  You should have seen me before the two layout sessions! YIKES!  And don’t compare me to the Indian girl to my left.  That’s just not fair.  And don’t compare me to the half Lebanese one to my right!  I can’t compare with Middle Eastern roots.  As much as I want to be brown, I will always be red.  Poop.  Oh and yes, I know we have the same sunglasses!  We got them in Huntington Beach!  Ten bucks! Gotta love the set timer on a camera and Katie running/swimming to make the shot!!!…

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Maisie’s First Little Friend

Something I am going to miss the most about Northern California is Julia.  Of course I am going to miss my own friends for my own selfish reasons.  I freakin’ love my girlfriends here!  They make time for me and include me into their daily lives like I have never been away.  They get me.  They love me.  They understand me.  They know me.  And JUST as important is that Maisie has a little friend here that she loves just as much as I love my friends!  As much as she possibly can anyways!  I have never seen two 1 1/2  year olds play so well together.  Maisie will run up to Julia’s house squealing in excitement!  She will poke her eye with such enthusiasm as she yells, “EYE!”  She will dance with Julia, hold hands with Julia, sit and play with Julia, pose for photo shoots with Julia, play…

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Rock Star Birthday!!!

It is Maisie’s birthday today and I can’t believe how “woman” I can be sometimes.  I got emotional at her party yesterday when we sang her Happy Birthday.  Then sitting in Starbucks today, listening to sad music, I started to get teary again.  I just can’t believe how amazing this last year has been.  It has flown by!  I am so thankful for my little Maisie!  So her party….  We had a great time!  It was “Rock Star” themed as you can see in the above invitation!  It really should have been punk rock, but whatever.  Sort of the same, right?  We had a few friends over.  The kids made fruit loop necklaces (all my mom’s idea there) and we just sort of hung out.  It was so fun to be with friends!  Maisie had a blast!  The only stinky thing was that she was sick.  She was pretty chill…

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Maisie and Julia

Today was one of those days that I l was happy to be in the states again!  The reason for this happiness?  Having Maisie and her little friend Julia ride together in a shopping cart at Costco. 

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