
I like to smell.

I am seriously wondering why it is that I like to smell things so much. It’s like an obsession. I must smell. It has gotten me in LOTS of trouble with my nose, almost bringing me to a reunion with my previous meal. I smell all sorts of things. Dirty clothes to make sure they are dirty (YUCK!!!). Dishes after I have cleaned them, just to make sure they smell fresh! Today while at a THRIFT STORE (!!!) I was looking at some of the kitchen things and came across a sort of cute pitcher type thing and looked inside to see something crusted in there. What made me think it was a good idea to smell this crust, I do not know. But I stuck my sniffer in there with such passion, only to find it smelled of urine and who knows what else! I had to pull my…

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Taco Bell Hot Sauce

There is seriously something that goes on in the brain where if you KNOW you can’t have something, you want it even more. This is a theme I am seeing from yesterday’s blog post as well. I love you Taco Bell hot sauce!!! I always will!!!! I’m going to have to look into why I am freaking out about the things I can’t have right now. T.V. shows, taco bell hot sauce….  What is wrong with me!?!? Is it ridiculous to say I feel desperate to just have a bean burrito right now? So yeah, seems dumb to write about this on my blog, but it is my ish for the moment. Wanting things I can’t have. And while I’m at it, I’ll also throw in my family and how I can’t have them either right now. That sucks too. But I think at this point, I might take the…

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I found it!

So I just found that Itunes sells the season of The Biggest Loser. Now that I have this information, I am uninterested in buying it. I refuse to buy a show that I can watch for free in the states.  Ok, not true. I did buy Project Runway when I was pregnant.   Enough of this nonsense!

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The Biggest Loser

There MUST be a way for me to watch this while in Europe!!!  ANYONE!?!?  Any ideas!?!?  I do love this show and I am feeling a bit of anxiety with the fact that this is out of my hands! Haha, this is what living in another culture can do to you!!!!!!!!!  I’m going crazy and all because I can’t watch extremely obese people lose a ridiculous amount of weight each week! HEEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

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Still here

As we all know, I went through a little blog crisis the other day, but as I recently commented on my last post, I will not be quitting my blog. But I do have to say that I’ve been doing some serious thinking on this whole blog/facebook/myspace/twitter stuff. I can’t help to think that it is all a lot of pretend relationships. I know that there are valid friendships that you keep up with on facebook, but how much time I’ve wasted looking at people’s lives that I will never even have a conversation with is embarrassing and disturbing. Especially because in that time I could ACTUALLY be investing in someone who I do know or am in a real relationship with. I’m not saying that I am going to quit reading blogs completely or stop facebook or myspace, because I do enjoy those things, I just need to get…

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A Year Ago Today…

… we moved from Paris. The last year has been absolutely crazy in every way possible.  Here are just some of the things/decisions/highlights of the last year. We stayed in more than 10 DIFFERENT places in the last year.  Eight of those being for at least two weeks at a time.  Paris to Denver to Virginia to Portland to Sacramento to Portland to Sacramento to Southern California to Sacramento to Portland to Sacramento to Denver and back to Europe, where we stayed in Hungary for a week, Den Haag for a week, and now we are in Amsterdam and have been here for just over a week.  CRAZY!!!!! A year ago, we had made plans to move to Amsterdam after a SHORT (which turned into a year) time in the states. Plans to Amsterdam fell through, so we decided to stay in Portland and start a cafe, something we always…

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Greasy Hair

Before I left for Europe I had one of my hairdresser friends tell me that I shouldn’t wash my hair everyday because it will actually make it more greasy.  Does this apply to all hair types?  I am just an oily person.  Yes, it’s true.  So I have been trying this whole washing my hair every other day thing for a few weeks now.  Only one time did I cave and wash it two days in a row. Basically, I just want to share how this does not seem to be working for me so far!!  My head feels like it weighs twice the amount from all the grease.  I feel sticky and yucky, even if I have showered.  I don’t know how long I can take this whole washing my hair every other day thing.  In fact, I think today will be the last day of greasiness for me.…

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