Daily Life
A Day at the Park
I’ve decided to start being better at taking Maisie to the park due to the fact that she is pretty much a lonely little puppy here. Daily she asks to play with friends. Daily she talks about her cousin Avery. Daily she asks if she is going to go to school. We tried to get her in school, but they are full and we are now on a waiting list. These are a couple of pics of her yesterday after a little girl ran away from her in a square we were eating in. She was sad, needless to say. So with all this sadness and two year old depression going on, I decided I needed to be better about getting her around other friends and hopefully I can make a couple as well. Let’s just say that our first day at the park wasn’t the most successful. First of…
Read MoreGetting on with Life
I am so happy to finally be getting on with life. For some reason, while I am in transition, it feels like I am paralyzed and can’t possibly have a routine (not that I like them anyways) or meet new people or do anything really outside my comfort zone. It is almost like I just have to survive and for some reason, that is good enough for me. I’m not saying it is the right thing to do, but it is the way I naturally function. Now that we have arrived in Spain I feel like I can get on with life again. I have been so happy to meet new people and start making friends. Just today I visited with two different women that I met at the park Maisie was playing at. They happened to be “on holiday” and not living in Barcelona, but I chatted with them…
Read MoreRandom update and thoughts
Because I haven’t written in forever, I’m going to give a quick update of our life. -I am now 24 weeks pregnant (which is about 5 1/2 months) with a little boy! -We’ve been waiting for Maisie’s visa to be approved so we can leave for Spain (a little later than our original thoughts of being there the end of July). -While we wait we are staying with my sister and her husband and two kids in their living room on air mattress and couch. -My roots are beginning to show like crazy and I am looking pretty whiskey tango (an important to me topic). -I have no idea where I will give birth in Spain and this brings a little bit of anxiety to the mix. -Maisie is supposed to start school in Barcelona in September, but we might have to hold off on that so she isn’t dealing…
Read MoreMissing home and not even gone yet
I value honestly and authenticity and I know that can be dangerous, especially if I decide to be those things on my blog, but oh well, it’s who I am, so therefore, I have to be honest. I have to think that other people in ministry go through the same things as I do and so I will write about what I am dealing with these days. I’ve been REALLY struggling with the idea of going back to Europe this time. It isn’t that I don’t love Europe or don’t see the need to be in Europe or that I feel like God hasn’t done amazing things to get us to Europe. It is just that I am terribly afraid of loneliness in Europe. I am also feeling anxiety about having this baby in Europe (yes, I am 12 weeks pregnant!). Every time Justin and I (and Maisie too) have…
Read MoreNew Languages = Insecurity (but that won’t stop me!!!)
So I did my first lesson of Rosetta Stone tonight and it was actually quite fun! I really dislike sounding like a foreigner who isn’t able to pronounce words or whatever, so learning this new language is very rough on my pride. I am even embarrassed to practice in front of Justin. But I am not going to make the same mistake I did with French. So tonight I sat in the living room and did my lesson with Justin sitting right across from me. Humiliating? Not as much as I thought it would be. He didn’t laugh at me or smirk or anything. He actually either pretended not to hear me or tuned me out. Either way, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I am determined to learn Spanish and I know that the only way I am going to do that is if I put myself out…
Read MoreProtected: Sick Summer Winter Days
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Read MorePoo in the Toilet
Maisie walked over to me and grunted, like she was trying to go poo. “Poo,” she told me. I asked her my usual question of, “Do you want to go poopy in the big girl toilet like mommy, Avery, Aunt Amy…?” Maisie responded with the typical “No, no, no, no!” “You can have a treat if you go poo poo in the big girl potty.” “Otay!” And then she continues to run to the toilet. I put her on the toilet and it takes less than five seconds and she is finished! WHAT IN THE HECK!?!? I had to hurry up and come up with some sort of treat. She ran to the kitchen for her treat, but I didn’t really want to reward her with food and teach her to eat when she feels she “deserves” it or whatever. So I let her open up one of Aunt Amy’s…
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