Daily Life
She looks so sweet and innocent.
But let me tell you, looks can be deceiving! Maisie is at an interesting age right now. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many wonderful things that I LOVE so much! She does this super cute thing where she reads to herself out loud. She also shares cookies, bottles, and other snacks with her dolls. One of my most favorite things is that we have our own little language and we speak it to each other! Maybe one day I will try to record it. It is hilarious. Some wise person once told me that, “Everything changes at one.” Man, were they right! Bedtimes are hideous! Flights are just sick and wrong (for the most part, luckily the last one was great), and she actually has an attitude now! That is what shocks me the most! I never thought that my sweet, precious, innocent little Maisie would ever throw…
Read MorePictures! Pictures! And more Pictures!!!
We finally uploaded pictures from our trip and my birthday. Here they are! So we stopped in Denver, Colorado for a few weeks to visit my sister and her family! Here are some pictures to prove it! Amy and Jason (and their kids, of course) are moving to Portland soon and Amy and I are already getting started on dressing the girls in similar clothes! So dumb! I am not sure what Avery thinks about our great idea, but from the look on her face, I think we can all say, she is ecstatic! Justin and Jason spent lots of time doing who knows what on their computers together. And for some reason, they always wore beanies and athletic pants. It was really cheesy and precious all at the same time. The cousins LOVE each other! Ethan was so sweet with Maisie and played Star Wars light sabers with her! …
Read MoreJust….so….tired…
Jet lagged. Baby who has thrown up on me three times since being back in the states. Waking up at an ungodly hour for the last five days in a row. Started a stupid soup diet that has left me with no energy (so I already quit after a day and half and two pounds lost). Too much laundry to describe, especially with the vomit and diarrhea Maisie has had. Holding a baby nonstop since she is sick and wants nothing to do with anything else. Emotional exhaustion from our time in Europe. And so much more, but too tired to think of it. Goodnight.
Read MoreColorado Highlights…so far
I know that I haven’t written on my blog much. I always get a bit preoccupied with the family when I am around them! As you may or may not know, we are in Colorado right now. Here are some highlights from the trip so far! 1. People in Colorado are a bit strange. Sorry to all you of you people from Colorado!!! Don’t get me wrong, some people we have found to be very nice (and we even have a couple friends from Colorado), but the majority are just a bit on the weird side. So far, at two different stores, the workers followed me and my sister (and our two girls) around acting as though we were going to shoplift at any moment. I have also found that people are just not very friendly or up for random conversation. I am just not used to that. Wait…yes I…
Read MoreIn honor of France
Justin and I found this really cute little French Bakery/Café in Portland. It is a great little place right on Division, around 47th or something. It looks French, tastes French, and even the servers sort of act French! The owners are French, so that definitely helps! Here are some pictures we took outside the place. Maisie was looking too cute to resist!
Read MoreLife and Maisie and Other Things Too
Sometimes when I get overwhelmed with something I like to ignore it altogether. A perfect example of this is my blog. I have made empty promises in the past to try to post everyday, specifically a picture. Well, I just can’t do it! Sometimes I will just draw a blank and have nothing to say. Then, as far as a picture goes, my batteries are dead on my camera. Yeah, I should get new batteries, but I am lazy bones. So lots of new things happening in our family! At least lots of new things happening with Maisie! Thanks to my mom, she is now using a fork and spoon! I can’t even believe she can poke her little organic raviolis with her plastic fork. It is really cute. She also scoops up yogurt and other fruit puree type things. It is precious, except for the fact that it gets…
Read MoreOh Portland, why are you so cold and rainy?
Portland is cold and rainy and cold and rainy and cold and rainy. It is a different kind of cold than California. I think it is mostly different because first of all, it isn’t so wet. Secondly, you know the cold won’t last long in California. It is different than Paris because in Paris you just get super bundled up and deal. Here, you get sort of bundled because you will be in your car with the heat blasting, but when you go outside you have to deal with the fact that you really aren’t dressed for the weather. You would think that I would have this figured out since I lived here for 18 years of my life. I don’t though. I remember wearing scandalous tank tops to dance clubs in the middle of winter when I lived here ten years ago. I have come a long way from…
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