My ish

Fat Itches

I have tried to think of something creative to write about, but nothing is coming to me.  The only thing that has come to my mind is the fact that my fat itches when I jog on the treadmill.  I wonder why this happens.  My friend Karen explained that it is because that part of my body is now getting circulation, whereas it never used to.  She says that it will go away once my fat is used to the circulation.  I sort of just think that it is jiggling so much and that is what is making it itch.   Whatever it is, I don’t appreciate it.  I also don’t appreciate the way it looks jiggling all around like crazy.  Praise the Lord for women only sections at gyms.  Seriously, I will praise the Lord for that. 

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Maisie has her first tooth. Need I say more? No, I don’t need to, but of course I will! Maisie got her first tooth about a week ago and I was thinking things were going pretty good as far as her not biting me goes. Until today. She just kept wanting to chomp down AS she was pulling away. Let’s just say it wasn’t a pleasant experience. I firmly told her, “No,” as I pried her little gums open. She burst into tears. She was still hungry, so she went back for more. Not a couple seconds later, she did the same thing, again causing me to react the way I did, causing her to react in the same burst of tears. I felt so bad. I hurt her little feelings when all she was doing was trying to relieve her pain, in turn, causing me pain. It was a…

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Today was just an all around disgusting and annoying day. It started off with Maisie waking me up every couple hours to eat. Then while she is eating, she decides it is her life mission to pick off one of my moles (which hurts pretty bad with that little pincher grasp of hers). We got a bit of packing done, then headed out to have dinner with a friend (Ursula) before she leaves for Mongolia. While at the delicious sushi restaurant, Maisie chokes on a biscuit (freaking me out a bit) and begins throwing up everywhere, all over herself, Justin, and myself. Then the food is served and I smell vomit for the remainder of our time at the restaurant. I wanted to take a shower and burn my clothes as soon as I got home. Sick. I topped the night off by adjusting my hair (while using the toilette)…

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The Big D

I have a tummy ache and I got The Big D on my mind. I love to talk about gross things on my blog. I like to because I can. And if you know me, I just like to talk about gross things in general. I wasn’t always like this however. It all started a long while back when I was newly married and had THE BIG D. I was a brand new pastors wife and was at my first retreat with the college group when it happened. THE BIG D!!!! It was horrible and I was so ashamed. I came out of the bathroom to find my husband’s boss (Dan Shields…love you dude!) saying something like, “PEW!!!! IT REEKS IN THIS HALLWAY!!!!!” It was right then and there I decided to embrace the grossness that we as humans can be so ashamed of and shout it to the rooftops!…

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Justin and I sat at Place Verte today for a nice Sunday lunch. Somehow I managed to knock the fries off of my plate, while the dishes collided with one another making a loud clashing noise. I dropped my silverware on the ground making another loud clanging sound and then had to reach way under Maisie’s stroller to get them. I then dropped my silverware on my plate making an even louder sound. Then, when the waitress came over to see if we wanted dessert I looked up at her to have my sunglasses fall off my head and to the ground (she shook her head at me and sort of laughed, which is actually quite polite for a French person). I didn’t even mention yet the little things I did, like my food somehow falling off my fork right before I go to take a bite, all of Maisie’s…

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Constipation…cha cha cha!

We had a lot of ish going on in the Powell apartment yesterday. It started off with Maisie choking on a teething biscuit. Let’s just say it was a scary ordeal. She ended up throwing up into Justin’s hands, but thank goodness that is the worst that happened as far as her choking goes. She was constipated all day long, pushing so hard, tears were forming her eyes, hysterical cries as she tried so hard to poo. It is the worst to see your child in pain…even if it is just a bit of constipation! I have eczema again and it itches like a mother. I can’t stop itching, which is making it all crusty and nasty, but I can’t stop. It feels so good when I am itching, then just burns and it hurst worse when I am done. I didn’t post last night because our blog service was…

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All my Fetishes?

I was recently informed that my mother in law Ann had been telling people that the ISH in my blog stood for Fetish!  Ha ha!  She is so funny!  Just wanted to clarify to all of you who may have thought this, that it in fact stands for issues!  If it were fetishes, you would have maybe found pictures of me licking Justin’s big hairy toe (ew!), but instead you get pictures of when my eye got swollen out of control or pictures of my new mullet.  Fetishes I don’t have, but issues…I have many!

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