Poor me

I’m Sick.

I am sick…really sick. I have chills. I am freezing. I can’t open my eyes all the way. I have a baby. She wants to play. I can’t play. I have to sit here on a couch that is cold because it is pleather and I can’t stretch out because it is teeny. I want a big couch. I want our old green, comfortable couch. I want my mom. I want my mom or Amy to be here and bring me magazines and snacks and take care of Maisie so I can sleep. I want quiet, but Justin is playing loud music on the computer. It is U2, so I am semi-okay with it, but still. My head hurts. Well, that’s all for now. Pray I get better soon! I don’t like being sick, but who does? I am off to be freezing on my teeny cold couch now. My…

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One more thing…

Today I, Jennifer Rae Powell, broke my tooth while eating Lebanese food.  Honestly.  Why was there a seed in my hummus?  I don’t know.  Seeds don’t belong in hummus, yet there was one in this batch.  Sometimes, I just have to ask, "Why?"  I mean, as if I don’t have enough to stress about, this has to go and happen. I have been patient with the water leaks in our apartment, which are going to cause someone to come and rip the walls out, leaving a tore up home for probably months.  Not to mention that Justin will need to do all the French translation and insurance dealings to get this fixed. I have been semi-patient with not having internet service during a time in my life where it is very important for me to be in touch with family and friends. I was finally feeling okay and content with…

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So Very Tired…and other random things

These days, I am just plain tired.  I want to write about something so that my readers know what is happening in my life, but there is nothing new. No apartment yet.  I cried again today.  You know when you were a kid and something bad happened at school?  Well, all of a sudden you see your mom, who is picking you up from school and you burst into tears.  You held those tears in all day long, but the sight of your mom, brings comfort and safety to just cry them all out.  Ok, that was how it was for me anyways.  That is how it was today.  I thought I was doing fine, till I talked to my mom on the phone.  "How are you Jen?,"  she asks so innocently.  And that is where I lost it.  Thanks, mom.  After the tears I did feel a bit better. …

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Something Sad

Today was just one of those days.  Tears and lots of them.  First of all, we have been working super hard to find a new place to live (only two weeks till we have to be out of here) and the competition is crazy for an apartment.  The demand is definitely higher than the supply when it comes to apartments in France AND we are competing against French couples, which makes it that much more hard.  I know in my heart that it is only God that will get us an apartment, which is so true, but it is still hard to remember.  So I was reading a devotional book that someone gave me last Christmas and it was talking about a missionary in Africa that had to move six times in three months due to things like her house burning down.  Wow, puts things into perspective, eh? I just…

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Tears, Tears, and More Tears

My friend Michael just blogged about tears, so I thought I would join him.   Today I have cried for so many stupid reasons.  I wonder if my blood sugar is low and now I am extra emotional.  Or is it my question for the last three months, Is this the baby?  I first cried today for some silly reason of being annoyed at something.  I cried next because I desperately want to go on a vacation with Justin.  I was trying to explain this to him as I burst into tears.   We haven’t been on a vacation just us two in two years and with the baby coming it will be even longer if we don’t go this summer.  We may have to forgo our vacation and return to the states to fundraise if things continue as they are financially.  Finally, I just cried looking at the ten day forecast…

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Bad Dreams and Pregnancy and Burritos.. OH MY!

I had a rough day today.  It was just one of those days where you question why you are doing what you are doing, why you are living where you are living, etc. etc.  It all started in the wee hours of the morning when I was still sleeping.  In my first dream, Justin asked another girl (he met in a hot tub) if she would marry him.  I woke up to wake him up and tell him I did not appreciate that.  I was mad at him for real, even after waking up.  I went back to sleep to next dream that my teeth had rotted and were falling out.  It was so stressful to figure out what dentist I would go to and also deal with the fact that I may have false teeth at the age of 27.  I am an angry waker.  I next woke up…

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Sick in the Snow

Today I woke up with a sore throat.  I didn’t think much of it as I continued my day as normal.  I forgot about the sore throat, but noticed I was feeling a bit more tired than normal.  I thought it could just be the super crazy sleep schedule that Justin and I have been working on getting back to normal.  My friend Bandna and I thought it would do us good to get out in the fresh brisk air and go on a walk to the Starbucks.  It is a good twenty minute walk.  While there, I started feeling worse.  The body aches and chills came over me while sipping on my drink.  Shoot.  It started to snow.  Bandna and I walked quickly home in the snow with cold chills and all.  We had purposely left our metro tickets at home thinking that we needed the extra walking since…

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