
Some updates from Paris as well as strange French things and Justin’s sniffer

One of the funniest things to me about the French are what they wear when they workout. Tonight we saw a woman jogging in a pair of slacks, a sweater, and of course a scarf! No, she wasn’t running to catch the bus. She was running with a running partner (who was also wearing a strange workout outfit consisting of some capri cargo pants and a sweater… not as bad, but still a bit strange). Speaking of strange, today when I was trying to find Justin in a big (well, big for Paris) music store I decided to tune my ears to a normal American sound. “What sound,” you ask? The sound of a sniffing nose. Europeans consider it rude to sniff, just like us Americans would consider it rude to blow our nose at the dinner table or anywhere in public. So anyways, I followed the sound of the…

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Ruined forever…

Maisie and I are really sick. I have yuck in my throat and we are both coughing like crazy. We are also both grumpy and tired. Justin and I keep saying that it wouldn’t be Paris unless one of us were sick. It seems like our last year here someone was always sick. I guess that’s just life. So today I called Justin to see how the packing of our things were going (he went out to the countryside to pick up all our junk to bring it back to the city and either sell it or get it ready to ship back to the states). Justin told me that he had some bad news. Some of our stuff had been ruined while being stored. Rats. Or squirrels. Or something gross like that had decided to make a home in our things. Maisie’s little Moses basket (pictured below) has become…

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Our day today in Paris

It really is strange to be back. We went to the little park right by Luxembourg park. Maisie played around in the sand and ran around with other little French kids. It is strange that the last time we were in Paris, she couldn’t walk, but now she is exploring Paris at a whole new level. She loves the dogs (and they are everywhere). “Dognee!” I can’t really spell how she says it because she pronounces the first part (daw) right, then the rest is said through her nose. Pretty cute stuff. It actually sounds the exact same when she says daddy. I think she remembered Jeff and Katherine and Bjorn today. Especially Katherine and Bjorn. She had flirty eyes with Bjorn just like she used to and played and smiled at Katherine like the old days. It is so good to see old friends. We miss it. And by…

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We made it to Paris!

Let’s just start this off by saying that if you can avoid traveling overseas with a one year old, then do it. Ew and a half. It makes me feel gross just thinking about it. I wanted to drug Maisie up so bad, but I didn’t. Just a little baby Tylenol for her teeth that are popping through. The flight was gross. She screamed for a while (which is a first for her). The only thing that stopped her crying was nursing. Ouch. There is only so much a nursing woman (whose child is almost weaned) can take before she feels like her boobs are going to fall off right then and there. But it was either nurse to the point of numbness or let her scream and disturb all the sleeping people. So my nipples paid the price for the sake of all to sleep. All but me. Paris…

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Colorado Highlights…so far

I know that I haven’t written on my blog much. I always get a bit preoccupied with the family when I am around them! As you may or may not know, we are in Colorado right now. Here are some highlights from the trip so far! 1. People in Colorado are a bit strange. Sorry to all you of you people from Colorado!!! Don’t get me wrong, some people we have found to be very nice (and we even have a couple friends from Colorado), but the majority are just a bit on the weird side. So far, at two different stores, the workers followed me and my sister (and our two girls) around acting as though we were going to shoplift at any moment. I have also found that people are just not very friendly or up for random conversation. I am just not used to that. Wait…yes I…

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Some random pix from our time in the Northwest!

We are now in Sacramento, California.  I have been non-existent in my writing, which I feel a bit bad about, but we have just had so much on our minds!  We are in the midst of really big decisions and we haven’t come to any conclusions, so it is hard for me to write when I just have no clue as to what is going on!!!  So here are some pictures from our trip in Portland!  Maisie’s favorite yoga pose. Maisie loves to do this with her lips and it looks so ridiculous!!! Almost all of my siblings!  These are all my dad’s children (except Maisie in the sling is his grandchild).  From left to right: Amy, Carley, Eric, me! Maisie’s great grandpa (my grandpa) has always been so playful and fun!  Even at 89 he is so much fun!!  Maisie loved him! Maisie with her great grandparents (grandma and…

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Finally Pictures of Virginia!

We had so much fun in Virginia!  I love Justin’s family!  They have totally invited me in as one of their own and I am so thankful for them!  One of the first mornings in Virginia we all went over to Aunt Jan’s (far right) for breakfast.  It was so much fun sitting on the outdoor patio and just chatting it up! This is Tracy and Justin.  Tracy is the female version of Justin and they are bestest of cousins!  They seriously look so much alike it is ridiculous! Just a cute little picture of our nugget! Paige is so beautiful!  She is Justin’s cousin and her and Brock are seriously the cutest couple ever (see picture of him below!) Maisie + Brock = LOVE.  Maisie seriously was in love with Brock (he is Paige’s boyfriend).  She would squeal and crinkle her face into a little weird smile whenever she…

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