I have hidden talents
We are having a great time at staff conference! We are having lots of talks catching up with friends that we haven’t seen for a year. Today we went into Vienna and did a “Serve the City” type thing (basically where we do lots of service projects around the city). I made balloon animals with a group of people. I actually made balloon animals for a living (well, my first job) when I was fifteen. Somehow, I remembered how to create almost all of the things I could once do. Yes, I was proud of myself. Lame. Anyways, it was really fun. Maisie had a couple meltdowns throughout the day, but did pretty well for the most part. She isn’t used to so many people being around her all the time. Oh wait, she lives in Paris. At least she isn’t used to so many people talking to her all…
Read MoreMy Poor Little Baby…(my Mac)
My computer died. I didn’t think it was possible for a Mac to crash, but it has. I am ashamed to even admit it. So now I am on Justin’s HUGE (compared to my precious little 12 inch) computer. We have to share and we don’t like to share. But I think with my computer dying, it will actually be good for our marriage. Maybe we will stop communicating over IM (when we are just in the other room) and begin talking face to face. JUST KIDDING MOM!!!! Anyways, I lost a ton of my email messages, so forgive me friends if I haven’t written back. (Just to give props to my Mac… It did try sooooo hard! It even started up three times AFTER it told me that the hard disc had experienced a fatal error and to replace it. It was working till the very end to serve…
Read MoreA New Look and Good Friends
That’s right. I have a new look. Justin spent part of his day making my blog look more sophisticated and not so teeny bopper. Now that I am a mother, I need to act like it. Not really. I was just ready for a change. Anyways, enough of that! I had a great time tonight with our friends who are on vacation from the states! They are long time family friends who we sort of lost touch with for a bit. They mean SO much to me because they are people who were friends with my mom and dad when they were still married. Not many people know my dad (that I know) so it was just sort of cool. Makes me miss my dad! Pat is one of the people who was here and she just cracked me up!!! Not only was she hysterical (totally reminded me of my…
Read MoreSome Random Thoughts.
Today Maisie proved her womanhood. She rolled over. Twice. Actually, we got it on video twice, but she did it three or four times. This is how I know it was on purpose. She is such a little stink stink. We met up with some old friends (well, old for Paris) today and Maisie got a good cuddle in. I miss these friends. Their work called them to Africa, so they are far from us now! They were my fellow West Coasters (as in, California). Seriously, I love you East Coast, Southern friends, but there is definitely a difference!!! Maisie will not be respectful and refer to people as "Mr. or Mrs." Sorry, I am just warning you all now! Hee hee hee. She will also probably say, "frick" at the young age of two. It could possibly be her first word. We will see. My nephew used to say,…
Read MoreSkeletons
I normally don’t post two times in one day, let alone two times in one week, but THIS I had to! I was reading BBC news and found this article. How beautiful! Skeletons are supposed to be scary, but this is anything but! Check it out HERE!
Read MoreSo Very Tired…and other random things
These days, I am just plain tired. I want to write about something so that my readers know what is happening in my life, but there is nothing new. No apartment yet. I cried again today. You know when you were a kid and something bad happened at school? Well, all of a sudden you see your mom, who is picking you up from school and you burst into tears. You held those tears in all day long, but the sight of your mom, brings comfort and safety to just cry them all out. Ok, that was how it was for me anyways. That is how it was today. I thought I was doing fine, till I talked to my mom on the phone. "How are you Jen?," she asks so innocently. And that is where I lost it. Thanks, mom. After the tears I did feel a bit better. …
Read MoreSo I don’t worship good?
I just can’t do it anymore. I strongly dislike working. It’s true. I would say, "hate," but that is a bit of a strong word. I have always despised going into work. I guess I should say certain aspects of work, like things I HAVE to do that I don’t necessarily love to do. Now that I live in Paris I work from home. I have to be better with my time. It’s hard. It is really hard! Today I thought I would get up early and get some of my work done that I need to for our training that is coming up. It is hard. It is really hard to motivate myself. I would like to go to Starbucks to work, but it is SO cold outside! So of course I found other things to do and before I knew it, I was hungry for lunch. I heated…
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